Primary School

“40years Of Sustained Quality Education Through Hard Work and Perseverance”

Welcome to Creator Schools Lower Primary Departments, where Nurturing Young Minds for a Bright Future, filled with discovery, growth, and endless possibilities!

At Creator Schools, we take great pride in providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for children in their lower primary years. Our Lower Primary Department is specifically designed to cater for the unique needs of children aged 5 to 8, laying a strong foundation for their academic, social, and emotional development.

Our dedicated team of highly qualified and experienced facilitators understands the importance of these formative years in shaping a child's future. We believe that every child is unique and has their own pace of learning. Therefore, our curriculum is carefully designed to be inclusive, engaging, and tailored to meet the individual needs of each student.

Why Choose Our Lower Primary Department?

  1. Holistic Approach: We adhere to the principle of providing holistic development by emphasizing our learners' social, emotional, and physical well-being in addition to academic performance. To ensure that learners receive a well-rounded education, Our curriculum integrates various subjects and activities to provide a well-rounded education.
  2. Child-Centered Learning: Our teaching methodology revolves around the child, placing them at the center of the learning process. By doing so, we encourage active participation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through hands-on activities, group discussions, and interactive learning tools.
  3. Safe and Supportive Environment: Children should feel free to express themselves, take chances, and pursue their interests in a setting that is safe and encouraging. Our classrooms are furnished with age-appropriate tools and supplies that inspire imagination and curiosity.

Curriculum Highlights

Our Lower Primary Department follows a comprehensive curriculum that aligns with national educational standards while incorporating innovative teaching practices. The curriculum encompasses various subjects including Languages (English, French, Asante Twi), Arts (Creative Arts), Mathematics, Science, History, Computing and more. Through a combination of engaging lessons, hands-on activities, and collaborative projects, the school is equipped with three different labs currently namely Ultra-Modern Computer Lab, Science Laboratory, Music Auditorium and currently developing a Language Lab for all the languages which will be completed soon. Our learners develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a strong foundation in all subjects.

Language: We focus on developing strong literacy skills through phonics instruction, reading comprehension strategies, vocabulary building exercises, and creative writing activities in three different languages. Learners are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas effectively through verbal and written communication English, Asante Twi and French.

Mathematics: Our mathematics lessons aims to build a solid foundation in numeracy skills, problem-solving abilities, logical reasoning, and critical thinking. Learners engage in hands-on activities, and real-life applications to enhance their understanding of mathematical concepts.

Science: Through inquiry-based learning, learners explore the wonders of the natural world, develop scientific thinking skills, and cultivate a curiosity for scientific phenomena. They conduct experiments, make observations, and learn to analyze data to draw conclusions.

History: Our history curriculum introduces learners to various cultures, communities, historical events, and geographical concepts. It promotes an understanding of diversity, empathy, and global citizenship among members in the Ghanaian society.

Arts: We believe in nurturing creativity and self-expression through visual arts, music, drama, and dance. Learners have opportunities to explore different art forms, develop their artistic skills, and showcase their talents through performances and exhibitions.

Physical Education: At Creator Schools, we believe in the physical well-being of our learners. Physical education exercise promotes physical fitness, motor skills development, teamwork, sportsmanship, and a healthy lifestyle. Learners engage in a range of activities that enhance their coordination, strength, flexibility, and overall well-being.


In addition to our core curriculum, management is considering the introduction of programs to further enhance the learning experience for our lower primary learners. These programs will include coding and robotics workshops, and music lessons (instrumental or vocal). These programs provide opportunities for learners to explore their interests beyond the regular classroom setting.

At Creator Schools, we are committed to providing a nurturing environment where children can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Our Lower Primary Department is dedicated to laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success.